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Annie Besant Biography

 Annie Besant 
Annie Besant was an eminent English writer as well as a social activist and a great politician. Through, she was an English by birth but an Indian by choice.

Annie Besant Biography | Writings 360
She was born on 1st of October , 1847 in London. In her early life, she became a distinguished British writer. But later, she came to India and involved herself in politics. She showed her sympathy for the woman and fought for their fundamental right to live with dignify and honor. She joined the Indian National Congress and later she became the first woman president of the Indian National Congress in 1917. Her evenful life came to an end on 20th September in 1933 in Madras(Presently Chennai) in India.

They who dedicated their lives for the great cause of the country or society live in the heart of the people after their death and their contributions too last forever .

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